
Purpose of the Property Caveat Information

While buying a property, it is always advisable to check for caveats and confirm the property owner. Not considering the search for caveat may pose a potential threat in the form of hidden claims or encumbrances on the property by other parties that the seller and buyer may be completely unaware.

Caveat Property Search

But what is the caveat? The caveat is lodged on a property to claim in a legal way of alerting any individual to restrain from buying a property. So when you as a homebuyer planning to buy a property or you as a property agent evaluate a property on behalf of your client, it is important to search for caveats on the property and assure that a property is free from caveats and the seller solely holds the title.

How caveat services benefit a buyer?

Assume, if you fail to search caveat for a property, and what if that seller’s property holds a caveat? In that case,it may lead to litigation making youlose your peace of mind. But what really sets smart property agents and home buyersapart from the rest of real estate users is leveraging the power of i-PAP.

Sign up for the property data intelligence, i-PAP’s caveat services which show you if there are pre-existing caveats lodged on your prospective property. As such restrictions may prevent you from becoming the owner of your prospective property.

How to find a caveat service?

Access i-PAP, input a few vital property characteristics such as the block number, the street name that identifies a property’s exact location, and the unit. There you go with a hit of a button!

You get an easy-to-read pdf document furnished with a data-rich furnished caveator, caveatee to know whether the prospective property is free of encumbrances and other outstanding issues or restrictions that may affect the transfer of ownership. Sign up at i-PAP today to search for caveats on your prospective property!

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