About i-PAP Property Search Services

One Stop Solution for your property and business needs

Fetch high-value, accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive data about any property on the same page!

Property records as commonly perceived don’t consist merely of registered sale deeds, but it encompasses within their ambit textual documents, spatial records and registered transactional documents.

These records are maintained by different departments. Amidst this cumbersome process, it is strenuous to ensure that extracted records from all the departments are updated and the details mentioned in one department exactly correspond to the details mentioned in other departments.

This inconsistency in the maintenance of property records and failure to do appropriate buying checks in turn has a negative impact on the investment decision.

Cost-effective insights on property data

Realizing these inherent problems in the system of maintenance of property records,i-PAP intertwined with Amicus, the supremacy of property database and Agentis, a digital wizard to produce and maintain the largest and most accurate, comprehensive repository of property information.

Besides, i-PAP offers cost-effective insights on property data needs including ownership, building permits, legal descriptions, and such vital details pertaining to property. These records can be accessed by law firms, property agents, mortgage brokers, local realtors, and direct buyers can use the best of it to make insightful and profitable decisions.

How i-PAP helps you benefit from our repository of property information?

  • Search legal requisition requisition replies and records instantaneously
  • Avail caveat services and conduct searches on legal claims of interest for a property
  • Know whether the property owner is bankrupt or on the verge of bankruptcy
  • Screen property owner’s due diligence to ensure that they not attempting to launder money through your business with them
  • Make sure that your property of interest has a Temporary Occupation Permit and Certificate of Statutory Completion and complies with BCA safety standards.

So why wait? Sign up @ i-PAP today and get access to accurate information in just a wink!

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