Planning Decision Information Search Services

View your property’s planning consent and structure at your convenience

Are you sure if large extensions or outbuildings, or other significant home improvements on your prospective property have been carried out with the necessary planning permission? As no one wants their home value to be affected by enforcement notices or violated building structure codes.

Hence it is always advisable to ensure that your property is in compliance with local planning regulations and to check for any outstanding planning applications or decisions.

But the significant deterrent factor that acts as a stumble block for many people is to visit local authority planning offices in inevitable long queues and wait times. Eventually when your turn comes, and the clerk looks up your desired document, bringing them to you and getting your hands on it could take all day or even weeks.

Appraise planning decisions in just clicks!

We recommend you to checkout i-PAP planning searches when purchasing a property. Leveraging a broad spectrum of technologies - Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Advanced Analytics & Big Data i-PAP has developed a holistic view on planning decisions and history of the property.

Furnished with a detailed examination of all previous planning, alterations, history of relevant and existing planning consents on your prospective property for you to get instant clarity and make an informed decision before making investments in just clicks away.

Details needed to check if your prospective property has complies with planning decisions information


Planning decision information is required when you're buying a property and planning renovations, it would be useful to know what planning has been approved or refused on your property and on the surrounding ones.
If you are planning to build an additional storey or to an existing structure, in that case you may require to apply for planning permission.
You can find out about planning decisions information on a property keying in project name, street name, block name and postal code in i-PAP. From the pdf document fetched, you will be able to see the particulars of application, particulars of decisions, details of planning permission, planning conditions of your prospective property.
Planning decision information for any property is needed as it considers the effect that it has on neighbouring properties and the surrounding environment. It assesses whether the development complies with local and national policies.
If your prospective property was carried out with any developments without proper permission it will be treated as unauthorized development. In such cases, construction made without permission can be demolished under the Act.
Our charges are nominal to market rates. You can check for planning decision information with any of our nominal subscription plans, get additional credit points, and extra access to the documents for a detailed scrutiny.
To ease out your purchase we accept payments Credit/debit card.

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