TOP and CSC Permit Certificates

Difference Between TOP and CSC in Singapore

You’ve probably heard property agents talk about TOP and CSC for a new development. At the same time you may be thinking what TOP and CSC are all about?

TOP And CSC Permit

Well! In Singapore every building must receive BCA approval before it can be occupied. And these occupation permit is classified into two:

    • Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP)

      A Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) is the legal document that certifies that the building is qualified to be occupied though additional amenities may yet to be completed.

    • Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC)

      Thepermit is granted when every aspect of a development criteria such as design, planning, construction and implementation is met by the developer.

How TOP and CSC is granted to the developer?

The developers apply to the Building Construction Authority (BCA) to obtain a TOP and CSC. Especially getting TOP for building that allows new homeowners to reside even before the amenities area is completed.

If the building passes the inspection, then the necessary documentation and official clearances from all relevant technical authorities must be submitted for approval. Once the paperwork is approved, the developer gets the TOP followed by CSC as the construction planning guidelines are met.

How can you as a buyer can check if your property has got CSC and TOP certificate?

If you don't know whom to contact and verify if your building has got TOP and CSC certificates, then i-PAP - the property database is up for you to give an instant clarification!

With the input of information relating to your property, such as project name, street name, block name, and postal code. Then you can check that your property has obtained TOP and CSC from the inspection authority and assure that your project is built according to the approved construction plan and building codes.

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