Legal Requisition

Information provided in Legal Requisition

Legal Requisition is a search that provides information on the latest planning decision, approval with written permission expiry date, refusal of a permission with reason and the current master plan zoning for a property.

Legal Requisition Singapore

Anyone from the public may apply for a legal requisition. But in most cases the Legal Requisition is submitted by law firms, usually for the purpose of property transactions.

The legal requisition search gives the latest planning decision made by relevant licensing agencies and government agencies on the property. For example, if the property owner wants to change the use of a property from a shop to a school, then it requires a planning permission. The decision on such change in the use of property is provided on legal requisition search.

The written permission for approved developments and expiry date: As the written permission will lapse 2 years from the day it was granted, the legal requisition search gives information on the approval and expiry date if the latest planning decision has the Grant of Written permission.

The refusal of a permission: If the latest decision is causing amenity problems to the neighboring premises in the area, then the relevant licensing agent may refuse the permission.

The current Master Plan zoning of the property The Master Plan (MP) is the statutory land use plan based on the permissible and density the uses are classified into residential, commercial, business, health and medical care, educational institution, place of worship, open space, park, beach area, waterbody, sports and recreational, road, transport facilities, cemetery, agriculture, port, airport, reserve site and on.

These plans are reviewed every five years. This plan can be used to understand the urban landscape and make sure that any new plannings are balanced and not exploited.

Sign up at i-PAP, the property intelligence data to clarify any sort of legal queries. Input property details and with a simple click, get insight with a 6-month of records from the relevant parties relating to the property.

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