BCA Information

What Singapore Homebuyers Should Look Out For Before Buying Property?

Many developers rush to sell a newly built property, so it’s common to find price discounts for properties. But here’s what you need to look for, before you buy your dream home. As a buyer you have to look out for if your developer has obtained BCA for the property which otherwise gives you no guarantee of quality of building construction and codes.

BCA Singapore

Check the BCA Information of the property

i-PAP gives you the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) information which lets you check on if your builder has adhered to construction quality and codes. From designing a structure or implementations of construction works since the commencement until the end of completion of any construction project, BCA information assures that the developer, consultant, contractor, subcontractors or suppliers have adhered to building codes and practices.

Sign up @ i-pap today lookout for BCA information and confirm if your builder has committed to construction compliances and standards! The approved document by BCA is made available through a downloadable pdf format on i-PAP which you can get through the input of Project name, Street name, Block Name and Postal code of the prospective property.

This helps you to cross check and see if it is a good idea to buy your dream home, regardless of the discount.

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